
最終更新日:2018 年 11 月

Cleverbridge GmbH、Cleverbridge, Inc.、 Cleverbridge Financial Services GmbH、Cleverbridge KK、およびCleverbridge Co., Ltd.(以下「Cleverbridge」、 「弊社」)は、お客様のプライバシーおよび個人情報保護(以下「個人情報」)を非常に重視しております。Cleverbridgeのオンライン ストア(以下「ストア」)、Cleverbridgeのウェブサイト(「サイト」)への訪問、および/またはCleverbridgeの商品やサービス(以下「商品」と総称)のご注文の際、当該プライバシーポリシー(以下「プライバシーポリシー」)で概説するデータにつき、Cleverbridge GmbHが管理者として処理します。ここにおいて定義されない限り、太字表記の用語は、販売の一般ご利用規約において定義として明記された意味を持ちます。本プライバシー ポリシーは、参照により本プライバシー ポリシーの一部とされます。





上記の場合におけるデータ管理者(「ストア」、「サイト」、および「弊社商品」の発注)は、Cleverbridge GmbH at Gereonstr43-65, 50670 Cologne, Germany(以下「データ管理者」)です。

Cleverbridge, Inc.(350 N Clark, Suite 700, Chicago, Illinois, 60654, USA)、Cleverbridge Financial Services GmbH(Gereonstr.43-65, 50670 Cologne, Germany)、Cleverbridge KK(Wakamatsu Bldg.7F, 3-3-6 Nihonbashi-Honcho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-0023 Japan)、およびCleverbridge Co., Ltd.(Level 4, Neihu New Century Building, 55 Zhouzi Street, Neihu District, Taipei, Taiwan)が、データ管理者の代理としてデータ処理を実行します。




Cleverbridge GmbH
50670 Cologne, Germany



弊社によるお客様の個人情報処理が、特に適用法であるRegulation (EU) 2016/679(General Data Protection Regulation)に照らし、お客様の権利を侵害していると思われる場合、監督当局、特にお客様がお住まいの地域の加盟国、就業場所、または被疑侵害の場所にて、苦情申立ての権利を行使することができます。Cleverbridgeの業務場所である、LDI NRW(North Rhine-Westphalia Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information)においても、監督当局に対し苦情申立てを行うことができます。









  • 当該商品を当該ストアにてご購入いただくには、お客様はご自身の氏名、メールアドレス、郵便番号、住所について、(お客様のご注文を完了するために必要な箇所にて)、および会計処理に必要なすべての財務情報(適用箇所において)、および継続決済処理(または上記の部分的処理)をお客様にご提供いただく必要があります(また、弊社にて当該情報を処理します)。
  • 決済に必要な情報は、選択した支払方法によりますが、お客様が選択した支払方法に関連して、クレジットカード番号、カードの照合コード、口座番号、口座氏名、決済者の郵便番号、またはその他情報を、関連した内容として含むことがあります。
  • 弊社はお客様の郵便番号について、詐欺行為の調査、税金計上、引落処理およびサポート、および技術目的で収集します。弊社はお客様の郵便番号について、当該ストアを通じたお客様の発注の完遂目的、および技術的目的のため、当該供給会社に転送します。弊社は、他の情報に関連してお客様の郵便番号を販売すること、当該取引外の一連のデータと紐付けること、および弊社自身が広告目的で使用することはございません。
  • 弊社はお客様のIPアドレスについて、詐欺行為の審査、税金査定、引落処理および詐欺行為の審査、輸出コンプライアンス、税金査定、引落処理およびサポートの目的で収集し、当該供給会社に転送しています。お客様のIPアドレスは、当該供給会社にデータ転送される前に、弊社システムにより分割されます。
  • 当該サイト内における特定のページでは、講座登録情報の弊社へのご提供について、ユーザーが選択することができます。本情報には、他の情報に加え、氏名、住所、電子メールアドレス、およびパスワードを含むことがあります。
  • 弊社は、必要と考えられる場合、事実上の商品プロモーションではない商品関連情報を厳密にお客様にお届けします(お客様ご購入の商品に関連したご案内等ですが、当該ご案内に限定しません)。
  • お客様が電子メール、ファクス、電話で弊社にご連絡いただく場合、もしくは電子メールアドレス、ファクスまたは電話番号を当該サイトもしくは当該ストアにて提供した場合、当該やり取りに関してお客様の裁量に基づきお客様より提供していただいた個人情報を収集します。
  • 当該ウェブサイトまたは当該ストアのコンタクト・フォームに記入いただくと、お客様の氏名、電子メールアドレス、お客様のご要望な歩酔う、会社および国(必要な場合)、およびお客様のご要望にお応えする目的でお客様が提供する選択をしたその他の情報を収集します。

当該データ処理は、契約の実行または契約前の措置のためのデータ処理を許諾する、欧州個人データ保護規則第6条第1項 b に準じます。


  • 当該サイトまたは当該ストアのフォームからプロモーション情報を請求いただいた場合、ニュースレターまたはブログ更新情報にログインすると、お客様の承諾を得た上で、広告、マーケット・リサーチ、および電子サービスの追跡のため、弊社でお客様のデータを処理します。
  • 当該データはお客様の承諾を得た上で、第6条第1項 a に準じて処理されます。 お客様はご自身の承諾をいつでも無効とすることができます。すでに終了したデータ処理過程の合法性については、無効化による影響はありません。
  • 購読の解除方法については、各ニュースレターか、または弊社から受信するプロモーション関連のやり取りに記載されています。お客様はご自身の承諾につき、弊社にご連絡いただくことで、次の記載のとおり将来にわたっていつでも取りやめることができます連絡先:お客様の個人情報の照会、アクセス、およびアップデート




Cleverbridgeおよび弊社供給会社は、クッキーまたは類似テクノロジーを使用して、トレンドの解析、ウェブサイトの管理、ユーザーの当該ウェブサイトおよび当該ストアの動きについての追跡調査、また弊社のユーザーに全般に基づいたターゲット層の情報収集を行います。当該データ処理は、契約の実行または契約前の措置のためのデータ処理を許諾する、欧州個人データ保護規則第6条第1項 f に準じます。個々のブラウザでクッキーの使用を管理することができますが、クッキーを無効にすることを選択した場合、当社ウェブサイトまたはサービスでの特定機能の使用が制限されることがあります。

弊社は、当該ストアに広告表示を行うか、またはその他サイトでの広告管理のため、第三者機関と提携しています。これらの第三者機関は、クッキーなどのテクノロジーを使用して、お客様のブラウジングや興味に応じた広告を提供する目的でストアや他のウェブサイトでのお客様のブラウジングに関する情報を収集することがあります。当該データ処理は、契約の実行または契約前の措置のためのデータ処理を許諾する、欧州個人データ保護規則第6条第1項 f に準じます。 お客様の興味に応じた広告を提供する目的でこのような情報を利用させたくない場合、こちらをクリックしてオプトアウトを選択することができます(EU圏に在住の場合には、こちらをクリックしてください)。当該クリックにより広告の提供が解除されることはありませんので、注意してください。引き続き一般的な広告を受信することになります。また、オプトアウト自体はクッキー、i.e.などに保存され、クッキーのデータを消去するか、別のブラウザに切り替えるか、異なる機器を使用するか、またはクッキーを修正する場合は、再度オプトアウトする必要があります。

クッキー、トラッキング、その他解析技術がお客様のブラウザでアクティブになっている点について、さらに詳細を参照し、オプトアウトするには、Privacy BadgeruBlock Origin、または Ghosteryなどのツールをご利用ください。上記手段は使用可能手段の数例ですので、ご注意ください。弊社は各ツールと提携しておらず、また当該ツール使用による責任や結果に責任を担いませんので、当該ツール使用を推奨するものではないことをご理解ください。


Google アナリティクス

弊社サイトおよび当該ストアでは、Google LLC(1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, United States, 以下「Google」)によるGoogleアナリティクスのサービスを使用することがあります。Googleはウェブサイトの利用状況の解析を行うため、クッキーを使用し ます。当該データ処理は、契約の実行または契約前の措置のためのデータ処理を許諾する、欧州個人データ保護規則第6条第1項 f に準じます。クッキーが生成するお客様のウェブサイト利用状況に関する情報は、米国にあるGoogleサーバーに送信され、そこで保存されます。お客様のIPアドレスは、データをGoogleサーバーに送信する前に、システムにより分割されることにご注意ください。したがって、Googleアナリティクスによりお客様は一個人として特定されず、ユーザー層の一部としてのみ当該個人情報を使用されます。

Googleは、当該情報を使用し、お客様の当該サイトおよびストアの使用について評価、サイトおよびストア動向についてレポートを蓄積し、および他のサイトおよびストア動向およびインターネット関連サービスをご提供します。また、Googleは法律により求められた場合、または第三者機関がGoogleのために情報を処理する 場合、この情報を第三者機関に転送する可能性があります。

Google アナリティクスに関する詳しい情報についてはこちらをご覧ください

Google アナリティクスをブラウザで使用したくない場合、Google アナリティクスのブラウザ・アドオンをインストールすることができます。Googleがクッキーを使用する際、本個人情報保護ポリシーのクッキーの項で説明されているように、お客様は、全てのクッキーを拒否するか、またはクッキーが送信される場合に通知するようブラウザの設定を変更することができます。


弊社サイトおよび当該ストアでは、サイト内において、解析およびフィードバックデータ収集のため、Hotjarアナリシスのサービスを使用することがあります。Hotjarは、Hotjar Limited (Level 2, St Julian's Business Centre, 3, Elia Zammit Street, St Julian's STJ 1000, Malta)が提供しています。https://www.hotjar.com/









一部のインターネット ブラウザでは、 「DNT」(Do Not Track)シグナルを送信する機能が装備されています。ただし、現在のことろ、DNTシグナルの定義と意味、その反応、さらに、DNTシグナルに対する正しい動作は定義されていません。当該スタンダードが最終的に定義されるまで、本サイトではDNTシグナルの処理、またはDNTシグナルへの対応を行いません。DNTについて詳しくは、donottrack.usをご覧ください。



A/B Testing
AB TastyAB Tasty is an application that lets you design A/B tests: you make your own changes to the pages of your website and launch your tests in a matter of minutes. You then monitor the performance of your variations using indicators you have configured in advance (e.g. your site's purchase or sign-up rate).
ConductricsAB Testing and Machine Learning. With Conductrics, your site, mobile application, and even your online campaigns, can optimize themselves, actively selecting the best option for each user.
Google OptimizeGoogle Optimize is a custom A/B Testing from Google.
Google Optimizer AsynchronousA/B Testing from google. Test different variations of your website and then tailor it to deliver a personalized experience that works best for each customer and for your business.
Maxymiser OracleMaxymiser enables any online business to turn every interaction into an experience with our cloud-based testing, personalization and cross channel optimization solutions. Maxymiser serves billions of individual experiences across every digital channel to dramatically improve conversion rates and revenue based on real-time data.
Omniture - mBox - Test and TargetMboxs are used for recording data to be used in the business logic mentioned above that helps select and generate the content to inside of them, as one is able to pass various custom parameters to the “mboxCreate” function that are passed on to the Omniture servers. Some of this extra data is used for reporting—on things such as revenue, categories and products visited, etc.—which is in turn again used to refine the output to the mbox. An example is recording every category from which a visitor views or buy products and using this information to formulate category affinity information which is used in targeting content based on which category a visitor is most interested in.
AdcellWith the ADCELL 3rd Party Tracking it will be very easy for you as an affiliate to work with your own tracking pixel and thus to use all necessary data in real-time in your own system. Through this innovation, ADCELL enhances the competitiveness of its strategic publishers and advertisers
Adconion ConversionAdconion Media Group is the largest independent global audience and content network, dedicated to true partnerships with agencies and marketers. Adconion arms agencies with customized technology and products designed in-house whilst delivering massive global reach across multiple platforms through a single network.
AdScale Conversionadscale is Germany's leading marketplace for digital advertising, bringing advertisers and website operators together to buy and sell video, display and text advertising.
AdTraxxWith the explido AdTraxx platform, we provide an innovative controlling and campaign management platform that follows all traffic sources, campaigns and online activities and analyzes them.
AffiliateFuture AffiliateFuture are performance-based marketing specialists, providing sales solutions and marketing services to advertisers, publishers and agencies.
AffiliaXeaffiliaXe.com is a top tier, cross-platform CPA Marketing Network. We truly know the ins and outs of performance marketing. affiliaXe.com strives to provide a great variety of offers, competitive payouts, ​and excellent customer service both for publishers and advertisers.Coupled with our specialized approach, we also provide advanced monetization tools such as XML-Product Feeds and Cross Device Retargeting.
AfterDownloadThe template is used to track conversions or purchases of its advertisers using basic cookie. These cookie do not track any other user activity, including search activity, browsing history, personally identifiable information or anything else.
Commission Junction Conversion 2013CJ Affiliate by Conversant (formerly known as Commission Junction) facilitates and supports equitable, lucrative relationships between advertisers and publishers. Many of the world's most widely recognized and highly specialized brands run their pay-for-performance programs on CJ's platform. Conversant is the leader in personalized digital marketing. Conversant offers a fully integrated personalization platform, personalized media programs and the world's largest affiliate marketing network – all fueled by a deep understanding of what motivates people to engage, connect and buy.
ExoclickExoClick, the innovative ad company, provides two channels for advertisers and publishers: An Ad Exchange and an Ad Network.ExoClick's Ad Exchange enables publishers to monetize their traffic not only with ExoClick’s ad network, but also with other ad networks and DSPs. Currently ExoClick’s ad exchange already has over 30 partners plugged in and the company is adding more demand platforms each day.
ExtoleThe Extole platform makes it easy to find and reach great influencers. Your best customers – those who share and those who respond – are your unique advantage. Use first-party and social network data about your advocates to power your marketing efforts.
ebay Enterprise Display (Fetchback)Fetchback has been bought by ebay. Since this it is known under the name ebay enterprice display.
Google global gtagFloodlight is an advertising platform by DoubleClick (now owned by Google) that enables ad serving, media planning, search management, rich media, video and mobile, and help customers execute their digital media strategy more effectively. This updated version includes Google's new global site tag.
KenshooKenshoo is a digital marketing technology company that engineers premium solutions for search marketing, social media and online advertising. The Kenshoo Universal Platform delivers automation, intelligence, integration and scale to make better marketing investments.
MaxBountyMaxBounty now represents hundreds of advertisers and thousands of affiliate publishers as one of the largest and most experienced lead generation networks in the marketplace today. We act as a liaison between advertisers and affiliates.
ValueClick MediaplexMediaplex provides cross-channel advertising technology solutions and services that enable marketers to achieve one-to-one messaging, greater efficiencies and a competitive edge through insightful reporting and analytics. As part of ValueClick, Inc. (NASDAQ: VCLK), a worldwide, diversified operating company specializing in online advertising media, Mediaplex represents the technology services division complementing its sister companies and their best-in-class solutions like ValueClick Media (ad network), Commission Junction (affiliate network), Greystripe (mobile ad network), and Dotomi (retargeting and remarketing specialists). The MOJO platform provides a comprehensive solution to the entire buy-side digital landscape including ad serving, data management platform (DMP), tag management, attribution analysis, dynamic rich media, and more. Since 1996, Mediaplex has been a stalwart partner to brands and agencies in interactive advertising. Mediaplex is most known for its third-party ad serving, as well as renowned for its excellent customer service and technical support.
Mundo MediaMUNDOmedia is a global ad technology company, based in the growing tech hub of Toronto. We are passionate about the connection between data and mobile advertising, which makes our MUNDOCore data platform and proprietary technology key to everything that we do. With more than 125 dedicated employees located in 3 continents worldwide, we offer our clients around the clock services and unparalleled mobile marketing expertise.
oneNetworkDirect (by Digital River)digital River's OneNetworkDirect affiliate network was developed with the goal of driving traffic for Digital River commerce customers and being a top affiliate network for affiliates around the world. As OneNetworkDirect has grown we've established strong relationships with top merchants and affiliates. The addition of our DirectStream product catalog technology has allowed our total product count to reach over 400,000 titles.
OverHeatToolbox for conversion optimization. With Heat-, Click-and scroll maps, Visitor Session Replay, form analysis, e-commerce metrics, and useful widgets.
Right Media (Yahoo! Ad Exchange)Yahoo! is the premier digital media company, creating deeply personal digital experiences that keep more than half a billion people connected to what matters most to them, across devices and around the globe.
Trade TrackerTradeTracker is the largest affiliate network in the Netherlands, with more than 700 merchants.
AOL Web BeaconWeb beacons are small pieces of code placed on Web pages, videos, and in emails that can communicate information about your browser and device to a server. Beacons can be used, among other things, to count the users who visit a Web page or read an email, or to deliver a cookie to the browser of a user viewing a Web page or email.
AdForm Basket and ConversionAdform's Data Management Platform (DMP) enables publishers and data providers to monetize their audience data. The DMP is fully integrated with the Adform system, providing seamless platform for both buyers and sellers of digital display inventory.
adMarketplaceCollects information about visitors behaviour. It is most commonly used to track a desired action such as an order,or lead submission.
Adobe AnalyticsAdobe Analytics, as part of the Adobe Marketing Cloud, provides powerful multi-channel analytics and segmentation to its customers to that customers can measure how users interact with their apps, websites, social pages, and advertising campaigns. Adobe Analytics acts as a service provider (data processor) when performing analytics and segmentation services to its customers.
Adobe Audience Manager ConversionAudience Manager provides industry-leading services for online audience data management. Our product and services give digital advertisers and publishers the tools they need to control and leverage their data assets to help drive sales success.
Affiliate WindowAward-winning performance marketing network - ranked number 1 in the UK. Close to two thousand advertisers, ranging from blue-chip brands, such as Dixons, Boots and Vodafone, to niche retailers like Photobox, Crabtree and Evelyn and Buildstore, across all sectors run programmes through our platform in order to enhance their online presence and build relationships with our extensive publisher base.
Alexa MetricsAlexa's suite of intuitive analytics products transforms data into meaningful insights that lead to competitive advantage for your company. At Alexa, we focus exclusively on delivering the richest and most meaningful analytics tools for our customers. Our obsession is to empower customers through compelling and actionable insights that drive measurable results for their business. At Alexa, we believe strongly in substance over style, which means you can count on getting the exact insights you need without having to navigate through extraneous content to get the information you need right now.
Bing Universal TrackingUniversal Event Tracking allows advertisers to define and track goals specific to their businesses.
Cloud AmpCloudAmp provides Salesforce® marketing analytics applications applications to optimize your inbound sales and marketing. Improve your lead tracking, sales processes, and conversion funnel visibility with our easy to use software.
dataLayerInternal Cleverbridge datalayer containing session data but not personally identifiable.
EloquaEloqua automates the science of marketing, campaign execution, testing, measurement, prospect profiling, and lead nurturing, allowing marketers to acquire customers, drive revenue and do what they do best.
Eloqua AnalyticsEloqua, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Oracle, is the leading provider of modern marketing automation and revenue performance management software that helps ensure every component of marketing works harder and more efficiently to drive revenue. Eloqua's software is now the centerpiece of the Oracle Marketing Cloud. Companies across a wide range of industries rely on Eloqua's cloud-based software, professional services and education programs to help them automate marketing processes across multiple channels, target and nurture prospects and deliver highly qualified leads at a lower cost to sales teams.
ClickyClicky is a real time web analytics service and includes features such as heatmaps, uptime monitoring and on-site analytics.
Clicky Web AnalyticsClicky is a real time web analytics service and includes features such as heatmaps, uptime monitoring and on-site analytics.
go2jumpOur specialty: Online marketing. With large doses of good treatment, kindness, speed, transparency and efforts to achieve your business goals.We offer a 360 degree online marketing service, covering all phases of the strategy: Capture (SEO, PPC and content), Conversion (Landing pages), Engagement (Social Media and online reputation) and measurement (Web analytics).
Google Analytics ga.js (tracking and e-commerce included)A Web analytics app by Google that generates detailed statistics about the visitors to a website. Google Analytics tracks visitors from all referrers, including search engines, display advertising, pay-per-click networks, e-mail marketing and digital collateral such as links within PDF documents.
Google Universal AnalyticsUniversal Analytics introduces a set of features that change the way data is collected and organised in your Google Analytics account, so you can get a better understanding of how visitors interact with your organisation.
Google Tag ManagerTag Manager supports all tags and has easy-to-use turnkey templates for a wide range of Google and third-party tags — for web and mobile apps. Marketers can add or change their own tags as needed and a campaign can be underway with just a few clicks. Don’t see a tag listed? You can add it immediately as a custom tag.
MarketoMarketo Munchkin JavaScript tracking code is key to the capabilities of Marketo. It allows you to generate leads from visits to your website. It even tracks visitors who have not yet given you their personal information, creating anonymous leads that include the user’s IP address and other information.
Marketo Analytics TrackingMarketo Lead Management gives Marketers the power and flexibility to automate demand generation campaigns and deliver high quality leads with less effort. Marketo Sales Insight helps Sales understand, prioritize and interact with the hottest leads and opportunities to close more business faster. Marketo Revenue Cycle Analytics enables marketers to measure, optimize, and forecast the revenue cycle.
Metapeople Conversion (NetBooster)With us, your online marketing projects grow, worldwide.The essential component of our actions is sustainability, ie dealing responsibly with our business partners and our employees. The building long-term and trusting interpersonal relations plays an important role for us..
Multitouch AnalyticsMultitouch Analytics provides a greater insight into the true effectiveness of the range of marketing campaigns.
OntraPort (OfficeAutopilot)Office Autopilot is fast becoming the place where entrepreneurs go to start, systematize and scale their businesses. This all-in-one integrated platform delivers essential business features including; a powerful CRM system, one-click membership sites and WordPress hosting, outstanding email delivery, payment processing, direct-mail printing, affiliate management, and their innovative business automation suite. Arriving in the marketplace in 2008, Office Autopilot’s talented engineers have developed nimble processes for releasing cutting edge customer driven features at lightning speed. Coupled with humorous educational materials, affordable monthly subscription rates and a commitment to world class customer support, it’s no surprise that Office Autopilot clients are “Raving Fans”.
Omniture SiteCatalystAdobe SiteCatalyst is the industry-leading web analytics solution that provides marketers with actionable, real-time intelligence about digital strategies from all online initiatives across multiple marketing channels. This App sets up base code, page level tags and event level tracking for your site.
Yahoo! - Markting Solutions - Conversion Only AnalyticsYahoo! Search Marketing Solutions offers online advertising services via its network of web portals and search engines.
PardotPardot is a B2B Marketing Automation provider that increases revenue and maximizes efficiency for companies with multi-touch sales cycles. Pardot's lead management software features CRM integration, email marketing, lead nurturing, lead scoring, and ROI reporting to help marketing and sales teams work together to generate and qualify sales leads, shorten sales cycles, and demonstrate marketing accountability.
PingdomReal User Monitoring let's you know exactly how real visitors experience your website. Analyze performance data and how it relate to browsers, platforms and even countries, all in real-time.
PiwikPiwik is a downloadable, open source real time web analytics software program. It provides you with detailed reports on your website visitors.
PriceGrabberPriceGrabber.com, a division of Connexity, is the industry innovator in online comparison shopping. PriceGrabber.com provides unparalleled marketing and sales opportunities to 26 million active, qualified and ready to buy shoppers on a monthly basis.
RKG_SEMMerkle|RKG is a search and digital marketing agency that combines superior marketing talent with leading-edge technology to to create the industry’s most effective data-driven digital marketing solutions. Merkle|RKG drives business to clients by maximizing a full range of opportunities including paid search, SEO, product listing ads, social media, display advertising and comparison shopping engine management services.
ShareASaleShareaASale tracking code should be placed in the HTML body of your Thank You page, which is also referred to as the confirmation, and/or receipt page. Merchants have the ability to track new vs. returning customers, different currencies, multiple stores, and more.
Shopper ApprovedThis tag is used on the thank you/confirmation page to collect initial feedback and optin for further feedback.
WebTrendsWebTrends diverse products and services portfolio includes real-time web analytics, unified digital analytics across mobile, social and web, optimization + testing, audience segmentation, targeting + scoring, mobile, professional consulting services and general digital marketing wizardry.
Specific Media Conversion PageThis tag logs to the domain bp.specificclick.net. SpecificClick cookies store information about a PC user's interaction with a specific website.
TrialPayPixel to be placed on advertisers confirmation page. This will instantly notify TrialPay of a completion.
UpclickMore than just a payment processor, Upclick is a custom e-commerce platform with expertise in sales funnel optimization and monetization for merchants in digital goods and software industries. We deliver effortless payment processing while improving conversion rates and overall cart value.
Visual Website OptimizerVWO is an intuitive A/B Testing platform that helps marketers increase online sales and conversions on their websites and landing pages.
W4W4 operates an online advertising marketplace at w4.com that provides result- based advertising solutions to advertisers, and traffic monetization solutions for its publishing partners in social media, search, display, subscriber email and other channels.
WebgainsWebgains is focused on quality customer service. We try to work as a partner and not a supplier as we find that true interdependent relationships yield the best results. We aim for our account managers to become an extension of your own team; we want to get to know your business. The performance marketing industry is constantly re-evaluating itself, learning and improving and we actively encourage our team to do the same.
Yandex.Metrica (Analytics)Yandex.Metrica provides a range of features for evaluating website performance: analysis of user behavior and achievement of business goals, and filtering out robot visits. To get this information, you need to configure the counter.
Zedo ConversionTag can be placed anywhere in the body of the page. It is placed on the advertisers confirmation page to track conversions.
Chat Tool
Supplier Live ChatThis tool allows you to live chat with the Supplier support center.
MarketLinc Live AssistMarketLinc use the Salesforce Live Agent as a middleware as the chat.
Salesforce Live AgentSalesforce.com is the enterprise cloud computing company that is leading the shift to the Social Enterprise. Our trusted cloud platform and apps - including our flagship CRM solution - help employees collaborate easily and connect with customers like never before.
Velaro ChatAt Velaro, our goal is to help you leverage live chat as part of your daily workflow.
Zendesk ZenboxA chat tool allowing you to communicate with the customer service of the vendor.
A8FLYa8 conversion cookie that works with Apple Intelligent Tracking Prevention
License Key Push for vmProtectCustom script sharing your license key with Acronis. This is required for proper use of their product.
Active ResponseConversion pixel which notifies the Supplier that a successful purchase was made.
Adnologie (HEIAS)ADNOLOGIES GmbH is an independent supplier of software solutions for contemporary digital marketing to agencies, sales houses, networks and the operators of portals.
AdsimilisAdsimilis is a full-service performance marketing network. We connect performance-driven advertisers with handpicked, quality-driven publishers that generate offer traction. By opting to forge direct relationships with advertisers and by solely focusing on affiliates and publishers that have a knack for quality and produce volume, Adsimilis delivers ROI for advertisers. Based on one of the best tech platforms in the industry and with a global focus, Adsimilis delivers one thing best: results.
AscentiveA custom conversion script for Ascentive passing on the referer and page view to Ascentive.
Ask.com (LookSmart license)Today, LookSmart is a premier search advertising network and management company. LookSmart's business now focuses on supporting its advertiser base through a syndicated network that specializes in pay-per-click text ads. LookSmart optimizes traffic from publishers and other networks to ultimately benefit its advertisers.
Supplier Email Retargeting ScriptA retargeting script which may save your information to display better ads or send you information via email.
Partnernet Tracking PixelThis conversion script notifies the Supplier of your purchase and manages affiliate referrals.
Supplier RetargetingA conversion script notifying the Supplier of the product you purchased and which pages you visited.
belboonbelboon is particularly trusted by small and medium sized businesses and longtail advertisers who come to the affiliate network for their internationally experienced account management and market leading technology. belboon offers the most modern fingerprint tracking, a complete interface for their partners and works with automated data-based technology such as retargeting and programmatic advertising.
Bizzo (Target Performance)A conversion pixel notifying the Supplier of your purchase.
BrontoA conversion pixel notifying the vendor of your purchase and sharing product details.
BT-OpenxImageConversionTagA conversion pixel notifying the vendor of your purchase and sharing product details.
Commission Junction Retargeting ContainerCJ Affiliate by Conversant (formerly known as Commission Junction) facilitates and supports equitable, lucrative relationships between advertisers and publishers. Many of the world's most widely recognized and highly specialized brands run their pay-for-performance programs on CJ's platform. Conversant is the leader in personalized digital marketing. Conversant offers a fully integrated personalization platform, personalized media programs and the world's largest affiliate marketing network – all fueled by a deep understanding of what motivates people to engage, connect and buy.
clixGaloreClixgalore is an Australian based affiliate/CPA network. The company offers a huge number of merchants to affiliates. They offer CPM, CPL, CPS, and even CPC programs which gives affiliates many different ways to monetize their sites and create promotions.
CMP Sales TrackingA conversion pixel notifying the vendor of your purchase and sharing product details.
Consumer AffairsA conversion pixel notifying the vendor of your purchase and sharing product details.
CpaAxis Conversion trackingA conversion pixel notifying the vendor of your purchase and sharing product details.
Teradata (eCircle)A conversion pixel notifying the Supplier of your purchase and sharing product details.
Commission JunctionCJ Affiliate by Conversant (formerly Commission Junction) is the leading global affiliate marketing network, specializing in pay-for-performance programs that drive results for businesses around the world. The CJ Network helps to reach and connect with millions of online consumers every day by facilitating productive partnerships between advertisers and publishers.
ValueClick Return on Investment Pixel (FastClick)A conversion pixel notifying the vendor of your purchase and sharing product details.
ValueClick Retargeting Pixel (FastClick)A conversion pixel notifying the vendor of your purchase and sharing product details.
Google Adwords ConversionGoogle AdWords is the advertisement platform by Google. AdWords use the Pay-per-Click (PPC) to charge the click of an advertisement. An AdWords ad will be shown on the Google Search, YouTube and other Google platforms. It is a conversion pixel which will be fired if a conversion will be done in the Cleverbridge web store.
google Affiliate TrackingA conversion pixel notifying the vendor of the referer, your purchase and sharing product details.
GroupMetrics Goal TrackerGet more detailed performance data for every email you send. Real-time reports to track, measure and analyze your email campaigns with Groupmail Insights.
iDevAffiliateFor more than 15 years now, we've been providing the leading affiliate tracking software in it's class. Adding affiliate tracking software to your site is one of the most effective ways to achieve more sales, more traffic and more search engine ranking! Our affiliate software installs in just minutes and through the use of built-in front-end templating, easily integrates into your existing website.
In App Tracking Details for SupplierCustom solution for the Supplier displaying the conversion revenue and currency.
iOne Search IgniteThe IgnitionOne Platform helps you deliver smarter campaigns and stronger results with a combination of scoring, audience and optimization activated across your most important channels.
Supplier APIA conversion pixel notifying the vendor of your purchase and sharing product details.
Supplier BillingA conversion pixel notifying the vendor of your referer, your purchase, your license key and product details.
Supplier UpgradeThis tool notifies the Supplier of your purchase, email and license key which is required to upgrade your tool.
LansweeperA conversion pixel notifying the Supplier of your purchase and sharing product details.
LeadAllianceAs an owner-led company, we are one of the fastest growing, specialized service providers for performance-based online marketing. More than 100 advertisers now use our technologies to increase sales and attract new customersIn addition to companies like lastminute.de, Condor, Simply jolly days or many other well-known companies in various industries from home and abroad are among our clientele. We are known for our result-focused operation as well as for direct and uncomplicated communication and decision-making. In addition to our three core products, we support our customers happy with individual developments, which are also used in addition to our products.
LinkShareLinkShare Corporation provides e-commerce businesses with a wide range of online marketing services including Search Marketing (SEM), Lead Generation and Affiliate Marketing. Rakuten LinkShare is a division of Rakuten, Inc.
Linkwise GreeceLinkwise is the first and largest Affiliate Network in Greece. Launched in 2008, it has since been at the forefront of the Affiliate Marketing sector and works with the largest brands in the market.
LookSmartToday, LookSmart is a premier search advertising network and management company. LookSmart's business now focuses on supporting its advertiser base through a syndicated network that specializes in pay-per-click text ads. LookSmart optimizes traffic from publishers and other networks to ultimately benefit its advertisers.
MailChimp GoalMailChimp makes it easy to design exceptional email campaigns, share them on social networks, integrate with web services you already use, manage subscribers and track your results. (Goal tracking)
Marimedia CPAMarimedia advertisers reach their global, target audiences on a large scale, improving their conversion potential, and reaching their audiences with remarkable accuracy.
Marin Software TrackingMarin Software is a leading provider of online advertising management solutions, offering an integrated platform for managing search, display, and social marketing.
Marin Pro ConversionMarin Software is a leading provider of online advertising management solutions, offering an integrated platform for managing search, display, and social marketing.
MaxTracker ConversionAffiliate Conversion code (Affiliate 36168) - Passes commission net total as a value to MaxTracker.
Mission One Newsletter TrackingThis is the Mission One Newsletter Tracking.
Supplier CouponThe supplier will use this tracking to count the use of coupons and switch off campagins.
Supplier PGMA conversion pixel notifying the Supplier of pageviews and conversions.
NetBooster ConversionNetBooster is an international marketing agency, native to digital, with a holistic approach to creativity, technology and media to bring the right message to the right people at the right time.
Globalwide Media (Neverblue)Globalwide Media is the owner of the affiliate network neverblue, allowing the vendor to know who refered you to this website.
Supplier Affiliate Conversion PixelPanda Affiliate Conversion Pixel - notifies them of a conversion and which affiliate counts as referal. No personal identifiable information is passed.
Pixel TrackingThis is a conversion pixel which notifies the vendor of your purchase and passes along product and revenue information.
Post Back PixelSimple affiliate postback script that lets the affiliate server know about your purchase.
ProtectCom AffiliateProtectCom has a strong affiliate program with guaranteed payouts. Our resale program starts out by giving you 50% of each sale you make – and commission is increased based on your sales success! Just follow these three simple steps:
qualityunitQuality Unit was established in 2004, as a software development company. Our primary effort was on developing web based applications. From start up, we have always had a dual marketing focus. While we concentrate on developing our own best selling products, we also function as a custom design group, creating quality web applications for external clients. We provide total service, from the initial consultation, to project realization, through on-going support and maintenance. We perform and collaborate!
Quantum MetricQuantum Metric was conceived in 2011 with a challenging goal: empower organizations to maximize their customers' experience and value by simplifying data science exploration through machine intelligence and Big Data.Quantum metric is passionate in the attention to detail behind every metric, statistic, graph, and chart, ensuring each adds value and provides clear insights into the customer experience and opportunity.
Read Server Conversion pixel which notifies the Supplier that a successful purchase was made.
ResponsysOracle Responsys Marketing Cloud helps the best brands in the world effectively execute marketing campaigns across all key digital channels: email, mobile, social, display and the web.
revstarsmedia.com - Revenue Driven Network - www.rstrx.comThis is a conversion pixel which notifies the vendor of your purchase and passes along product and revenue information.
SchoolCraft ConversionThis is a conversion pixel which notifies the vendor of your purchase. No information is passed.
Searchlight ConversionWe are Searchlight Marketing, we design unique and custom websites that help local businesses build their brand and their online presence. Our mission is to provide marketing services that deliver tangible results. Too many businesses don’t provide a valuable service that can be tracked. Let us help you today.
SeccoSquared LLC Conversion TrackingSecco Squared bridges the gap between advertisers and audiences across multiple channels – allowing your message to meet the right target at the right place and right time. With global reach across more than 150 countries around the world, we help marketers to reach growth objectives and move the markets in which they operate. Our full suite of monetization solutions reaches billions of in-app mobile and web users across mobile, display (including native), social and email.Secco Squared takes full ownership of your acquisition efforts – real-time optimization with complete transparency on placements, performance and cost.
SecuredShopgateConversion pixel which notifies the Supplier that a successful purchase was made.
Shinysoft ConversionConversion pixel which notifies the Supplier that a successful purchase was made.
Shopzillancrease your sales revenue and acquire new customers with Connexity's CPC Listings network. Connexity generates more than $500M in sales annually for retailers by connecting them with over 650M in-market shoppers. The products submitted in your data feed will be displayed across our owned and operated sites such as Bizrate, Shopzilla, PriceGrabber and Become as well as our expansive network of social influencers, search, product review and content sites. With 20 years of experience, retailers of all sizes have come to depend upon Connexity as one of their top sources of sales and new customer acquisition.
Softonic - Conversion tracking Conversion pixel which notifies the Supplier that a successful purchase was made.
SuperClixConversion pixel which notifies the Supplier that a successful purchase was made.
TrackingSoft ROIAdvantageAnalytics are at the core of what we do. Our proprietary forecast modeling allows us to accurately predict the outcome of our media efforts. From campaign strategy to optimization, our team of analysts use a suite of diagnostic solutions to pinpoint precisely what works best for our clients. By following the data, we are able to optimize our media solutions.
ULTIMATE AFFILIATEAffiliates use the affiliate referral link/URL to promote your website or products. Specific affiliates are tracked because their IDs or usernames are appended to their URL, therefore the system can track which affiliate link brought a customer to your website. If the customer successfully completes a conversion (i.e. a sale, or a form submission), a referral will be generated and the affiliate will be awarded a commission.
Supplier Sales TrackerConversion pixel which notifies the Supplier that a successful purchase was made.
UpSellit ConversionUpSellit is committed to providing strategic site abandonment solutions that are custom tailored to fit every business unique needs and goals. Our vision is to provide clients with intelligent technologies that provide both the end-consumer and the client real value.
UserballThis is the conversion tracking code from the referral marketing software called Userball. With userball, we can turn customers into revenue generators. The referral marketing software automates the process of enrolling, tracking, rewarding and managing loyal customers.
WebMetroWebMetro is one of the fast-growing U.S. search marketing agencies. Competitive brands engage WebMetro to create and implement successful integrated marketing strategies for increasing online market share, lowering acquisition costs, and penetrating new markets.
Yahoo! - ConversionYahoo conversion code notifying of a pageview and conversion. No personally identenfiable information is available.
Zanox Affiliate TrackingZanox is the leading performance advertising network in Europe. Together with our partner companies, Affiliate Window and eprofessional, zanox supports more than 4,300 international advertisers in the effective marketing of products and services on the internet.
ZeoBit APILoads a static pixel that collects the info from our cookie and matches it with the ref. number.Custom solution that sends a conversion ping to Kromtech
ZeoBit BillingConversion pixel which notifies the Supplier that a successful purchase was made.
Supplier Cart CookieThis is a custom cookie script which will read cookie values from the Supplier and pass them back via the URL in the confirmation page. This is used as a conversion tool.
Supplier Product CookieCookie which saves the product to show customers who did not finish the purchase the cart again over a layer at the Supplier website.
Supplier Cookie to x-parameterAdds a cookie name to the x-parameters on the confirmation page.
Supplier cookieThis tool drops a cookie which contains the product ID you purchased. This is used by the Supplier to optimize your shop experience.
Customer interaction
Live ChatOur mission is to deliver fast and simple communication between e-commerce owners and best prospects on their websites and to make online sales process easier. Company motto – “Keep it simple!”
LivePerson ChatLivePerson is the market leader in real-time intelligent customer engagement. Their mission is to help companies create deeper connections with their customers, and our investment in real-time analytics, metrics and a world-class hosted platform makes this possible at scale.
Salesforce - lead managementLive Agent, part of Salesforce Service Cloud, lets service organizations connect with customers or website visitors in real time through a Web-based, text-only live chat.
TrustPilot TrustBox WidgetTrustpilot.com is a website founded in Denmark in 2007. Purported consumers can post reviews for online businesses, which Trustpilot is free to delete at their discretion. The site charges fees to merchants to promote their businesses.
Zendesk ChatZendesk is a leading provider of hosted help desk software that is reinventing how companies engage with their customers.
Form collection
HubSpot AnalyticsHubSpot is an inbound marketing software company that helps businesses transform their marketing from outbound (cold calls, email spam, trade shows, tv ads, etc) lead generation to inbound lead generation.
External Script CodeThis code runs a local javascript file on the shop page. The functionality depends on the content of the javascript file.
Supplier Cookie JSThis loads a javascript file provided by the Supplier
WSG Tag LinksReplaces all the links on the page with a link to websupergoo.
Referral CandyReferral candy Rewards customers for sharing your store with their friends.
Referral SaaSquatchSaaSquatch is a referral automation suite.SaaSquatch provides customized referral program software and expertise to consumer businesses with thousands to millions of customers.
Cybba Cybba (formerly VeInteractive) is a cart abandonment solution that gathers user info in the effect of remarketing products to cart abandoners.
Google Adwords RemarketingGoogle AdWords Remarkting is a pixel which will be placed on all pages to get the possiblity to seperate your users into different groups. Your ads could appear to them as they browse other sites that are part of the Google Display Network or as they search for terms related to your products on Google.
Metapeople Retargeting (NetBooster)Metapeople GmbH together with its associated subsidiaries stands for customized solutions for national and international online marketing projects in the areas of Search-Engine-Marketing, Search-Engine-Optimization, Affiliate-Marketing, Social-Media and Online-Media.
SilverpopThe Silverpop on-demand digital marketing platform helps marketers succeed in turning prospects into customers and customers into fans through the creation, automation and delivery of relevant, multichannel messaging.
Universal Retargeting TagConversion pixel which notifies the Supplier that a successful purchase was made.
UpSellit Cart AbandonmentUpSellit is committed to providing strategic site abandonment solutions that are custom tailored to fit every business unique needs and goals. Our vision is to provide clients with intelligent technologies that provide both the end-consumer and the client real value.
VivaluVIVALU is a transparent trading desk. VIVALU offers its customers qualified know-how in digital marketing - especially in the areas of programmatic buying, real-time advertising, display performance and data-driven technology. VIVALU thus combines all relevant data-driven technologies in one system and offers a success-oriented digital 360° marketing.
YesmailAfter the Click Tracking (ATC) enables clients to track web site behavior and feed that data in real time to their Yesmail Enterprise implementation.
Session recording
hotjarHotjar is a new and easy way to truly understand your web and mobile site visitors. Find your hottest opportunities for growth today.
Social Sharing
Social Sharing ShariffPPI Compliant Version of Social Sharing buttons
Survey GizmoSurveyGizmo is an enterprise–level data collection platform that has empowered informed decision making for over ten years. By combining flexible, intuitive software with a friendly, easily managed user interface, SurveyGizmo has created the perfect data tool
survey monkeySurveyMonkey offers a cloud-based online survey and questionnaire tool that helps users gather survey-related information.
Targeted Advertising
AdFormAdform is a media agnostic tech vendor for media agencies, trading desks, advertisers and publishers that offers the world’s only programmatic brand-led media platform supporting all aspects of multi-screen brand advertising. The Adform tech stack includes a demand side platform, third party ad server, data management platform, private marketplace, programmatic publisher ad server and a robust creative suite.
Adknowledge (Conversion)Adknowledge, the fourth largest advertiser marketplace, specializes in performance-based marketing solutions that help make the long tail web accessible to search engine advertisers. Utilizing powerful predictive technology and completely anonymous consumer response patterns, we connect advertisers with consumers across multiple channels, including email, search, mobile, domains, and social networks.
AdReady ConversionAdReady, a division of CPXi, provides a complete end-to-end programmatic display platform combining the efficiency and hyper targeting of programmatic display with compelling, scalable creative executions in order to deliver on the promise of true Programmatic Creative.
AdRoll Smart Pixel - Conversion TrackingAdRoll takes the most advanced display advertising techniques and makes them accessible for brands of all sizes. Today, they offer the most cutting edge display products in a format that is both simple and affordable.
Quigo AdSonarAOL Advertising provides advertisers, agencies and publishers with the most powerful, comprehensive and efficient online advertising tools available anywhere. Our industry-leading network, Advertising.com, helps advertisers reach highly-targeted audiences at scale, and helps publishers maximize revenue.
Adzerk ConversionAdzerk - a suite of APIs on which you can build innovative ad and promotion units that'll drive additional online revenue for your site or app.
Affili.net ConversionAffilinet is one of Europe's leading performance marketing networks, providing publishers, advertisers and agencies with sophisticated and performance-driven solutions. Through the continual development of technology and unrivalled experience and knowledge, Affilinet is able to work with customers to deliver long-term success for their marketing strategies
Affinity (go2cloud.org)Founded in 2006, Affinity is the world's leading contextual ad network. We are in the business of powering innovative contextual media and monetization solutions for Advertisers and Publishers.
AppNexusAppNexus is a technology company that provides trading solutions and powers marketplaces for Internet advertising. Its open, unified, and powerful programmatic platform empowers customers to more effectively buy and sell media, allowing them to innovate, differentiate, and transform their businesses. As the world's leading independent ad tech company, AppNexus is led by the pioneers of the web's original ad exchanges.
Atlas - switch.atdmt.comAtlas provide digital media technologies for agencies, advertisers and publishers. Atlas solutions for agencies and advertisers enable the unified management of digital marketing campaigns across display banners, rich media, search, video, and websites
BingAds (Atlas - flex.atdmt.com)Microsoft Advertising / Bing Advertising, previous known as Atlas/Atlas Flex.
BingAds Analytics (Atlas - flex.atdmt.com)Microsoft Advertising / Bing Analytics. Previous known under the name Atlas Flex. The pixel will be shwon on all cart pages and add a conversion value on the confirmation page.
Baidu Analytics / ConversionBaidu was founded...with the mission of providing the best way for people to find what they're looking for online. Over the past decade we have strived to fulfill this mission by listening carefully to our users' needs and wants. To provide intelligent, relevant search results for the tens of billions of queries that are entered into our search platform every day, we focus on powering the best technology optimized for up-to-date local tastes and preferences.
Bidvertiser ConversionBidvertiser On-Site Bid Per Click offers website owners with the ability to sell their ad space, automatically, to the highest bidder, on a price-per-click basis, where the price is mostly effected by the quality and popularity of their website. Advertisers can place ads directly on sites of their choice and pay only when a visitor clicks-through their site.
BizibleBizible patent-pending marketing analytics technology allows companies to accurately track offline revenue back to the exact online marketing source so they can easily measure and optimize marketing by return-on-investment.
CBS Interactive PixelCBS Interactive is the premier online content network for information and entertainment. Our brands dive deep into the things people care most about across news, sports, entertainment, technology and business. With hundreds of millions of unique visitors from around the world each month, CBS Interactive is a global top 10 web property and the largest premium content network online
ClickMeter ConversionClickMeter is an easy to use web-based professional analytic service. We help Companies, Agencies, Affiliates and Publisher to monitor, compare and optimize all their online marketing campaigns in one place. Track conversions, fight click fraud, share results with customers and partners.
ClickTaleClickTale is the industry leader in Customer Experience Analytics (CEA), providing businesses with revolutionary insights into their customers' online behavior. Over 70,000 businesses rely on ClickTale to optimize website performance, improve usability and dramatically increase conversion rates. (Asynchronous version)
Crazy EggCrazy Egg helps convert your visitors into customers, like a pair of x-ray glasses that lets you see exactly what people are doing on your website.
CriteoCriteo is an advertising platform that enables customers to show visitors the right ad at the right time with the right offer, in order to deliver maximum post-click conversion rates.
Criteo OneTag ConversionThe Criteo OneTag is a JavaScript tag that allows Criteo to collect your user's intentions as they navigate your website
DataXuDataXu is an open, neutral platform that enables marketers to use their ‘rocket science‘ in a simple UI to understand and engage consumers in a digital world.
Didit MaestroDidit is a full-service online advertising and marketing services firm and major player in search engine marketing. API: http://maestro.did-it.com/docs/tracking_implementation.pdf
displayCore (IronSource CAST)displayCore offers a premium, comprehensive cross-platform ecosystem for display, video and mobile web advertising. 
DoubleClick SpotlightFloodlight is an advertising platform by DoubleClick (now owned by Google) that enables ad serving, media planning, search management, rich media, video and mobile, and help customers execute their digital media strategy more effectively. This updated version includes Google's new global site tag.
DoubleClick FloodlightGoogle's DoubleClick products provide ad management and ad serving solutions to companies that buy, create or sell online advertising.
Facebook ConversionFacebook is an online social networking service. This tool may collect data on you to build a social profile and identify you across multiple pages.
Facebook-PixelCustom Audiences app allows you to target your Facebook ads to audiences of people who have visited your website and remarket to people who have expressed interest in your products. This pixel must be deployed to every page on your website.
HasOffers (go2cloud.org)HasOffers by Tune is a performance marketing solution and platform that enables its users to create personal mobile and desktop ad networks. It supports networks, agencies, and advertisers needing a customizable solution to manage hundreds or even thousands of direct publisher relationships. HasOffers enables clients to manage campaigns, manage creative ventures and publishers, generate invoices, calculate payouts, and more. It is owned by Tune.
Impact RadiusFounded by a veteran team of performance-advertising experts, Impact Radius has built an advertising platform that enables your company to reach your business goals faster.
InspectletInspectlet records videos of your visitors as they use your site, allowing you to see everything they do. See every mouse movement, scroll, click, and keypress on your site. You never need to wonder how visitors are using your site again.
iPerception (survey tool)With iPerceptions Active Research Platform, you have all the tools you need to do the research you want. With multiple touch points, Comment Cards and iPerceptions Certified Surveys with benchmarking capabilities, you can take action on your customers insights.
Iron Source Conversion PixelironSource builds monetization, engagement, analytics and discovery tools for app developers, device manufacturers, mobile carriers and advertisers. We empower content creators across platforms to turn their digital content into viable businesses without having to charge for them. Our technologies make free-to-play and free-to-use possible for the internet community.
KissMetricsPerson-based analytics tool for not only tracking website analytics, but also tracking, analyzing an optimizing digital marketing performance.
LazySauceLazySauce is a uniquely designed proprietary tracking tool to monitor and better optimize the performance of your online campaigns with an automated and detailed analysis of millions of targets and search queries specific to each campaign. LazySauce can also help you find more targets to bid on based on the top profitable targets of your campaign, compare several AdNetworks and identify how users discover your website to efficiently increase sales volumes.
LinkConnectorLinkConnector is an affiliate marketing network helping merchants and affiliates increase online sales and revenue.
Linkedin Insight Remarketing PixelLinkedIn connects the world's professionals to make them more productive and successful and transforms the ways companies hire, market and sell. Their vision is to create economic opportunity for every member of the global workforce through the ongoing development of the world's first Economic Graph.
Rocket FuelRocket Fuel delivers a leading programmatic media-buying platform at big data scale that harnesses the power of artificial intelligence to improve marketing ROI. Rocket Fuel's Advertising That LearnsTM technology empowers media teams to focus on strategy, not spreadsheets. Rocket Fuel was founded by online-advertising veterans and rocket scientists from NASA, Yahoo!, Salesforce.com, and DoubleClick.
Lucky OrangeThe tag is placed on all pages of the site to enable realtime analytics, chat, heatmaps, recordings, form analytics.
MagneticMagnetic is a digital technology company specializing in retargeting solutions that combine intent data with display advertising to power brand awareness and direct response campaigns. Magnetic uses billions of search data queries and a proprietary bidder to programmatically buy and reach audiences who have signaled either interest or purchase intent where they spend 96% of their time online – on news sites, blogs, e-commerce sites and social networks. Founded with a specialized focus on search retargeting, Magnetic’s advertising solutions also extend to site retargeting, and include advanced media optimization and buying and dynamic creative capabilities.
Marchex - IndustryBrainsMarchex is a digital call advertising and small business marketing company. Marchex's mission is to unlock local commerce globally by helping advertisers reach customers wherever they may be - in mobile, offline and online channels, including on our own local and category websites.
MarketLinc - chat tool + conversionWe identify those consumers who require more than a digital experience to maximize their purchase, can predict when and how they need sales assistance, and provide them with personalized human-to-human engagement at critical moments in their buying journey. All in real-time, and always pay for performance.
Matomy Conversionheir in-house developed ad serving and conversion tracking technology services a booming network of over 500 advertisers, 7000 publishers, and thousands of international, localized lead campaigns targeted to worldwide audiences. Their affiliate management platform is trusted by world-class advertisers and, with the attention of their experienced account teams, provides a customizable, scalable and reliable alternative to standard, off-the-shelf licenses.
Media MathMediaMath uses data to understand consumer behavior and identify opportunities. They translate those insights into integrated marketing strategies across channels, with clear and measurable goals.
Microsoft CPA/CPM Conversion codeThis is the Microsoft / Bing Advertising tool.
Microsoft adCenter ConversionMicrosoft constantly innovate to simplify the business of digital advertising, so that customers can amplify their brand stories across audiences, channels and screens in the most creative, engaging and efficient ways possible.
MixpanelMixpanel's mission is to help the world learn from their data. We offer the most sophisticated analytics platform companies online can use to understand how users behave. We do all of our data analysis in real-time.
Nextag ROI OptimizerNextag is an independent price comparison service website for products, travel, and education. 
OptimizelyOptimizely is a world-class website optimization platform, providing A/B and multivariate testing that is incredibly powerful and easy-to-use. Optimizely enables users with and without technical expertise to make dynamic changes to their websites, test the variations to live traffic, gather immediate results, and start achieving goals.
OwnerIQ ConversionOwnerIQ transforms consumer interactions with products and brands into powerful new online advertising solutions and marketing channels.
QuantcastImplementing the Quantcast Easy Tag for Advertise across your site allows Quantcast Advertise to deliver superior targeting accuracy and unparalleled performance at scale.
Quisma Remarketing Container PixelQUISMA is an online performance marketing agency which currently operates across Europe. The main task of QUISMA is to develop and implement customised solutions for online advertisers...including search engine advertising, affiliate marketing, or display advertising. To implement these advertising measures as efficiently as possible for advertisers and users, cookies are used to place advertising material. Information is stored in the cookies that helps make the advertising displayed more relevant, and to ensure that as far as possible the respective user is only shown advertising which is of interest to them.
Rakuten Conversion CodeRakuten Marketing is a global leader in omnichannel marketing and driving the omni experience. Offering an integrated strategy that combines consumer centric insights with e-commerce expertise, Rakuten Marketing aims to inspire better marketing. Rakuten Marketing's omnichannel services include Rakuten Affiliate Network (formerly Rakuten LinkShare), a top-ranked affiliate marketing service, creating profitable and innovative partnerships; Rakuten Display (formerly MediaForge), enabling one-to-one marketing across devices through precise targeting, custom dynamic creative, and engagement measurement; Rakuten Attribution (formerly DC Storm), measurement and attribution solutions that allow marketers to uncover the true performance of their campaigns with an unbiased, transparent view into each media channel; and Rakuten Search, a full service paid search agency that specializes in boosting sales and brand authority across devices.
Rakuten Marketing Conversion / LinkShareRakuten LinkShare is an affiliate marketing service provider. The company claims it is the largest pay-for-performance affiliate marketing network on the Internet.
Run DSP sale conversionRun DSP is a conversion tracking which will be fired on the confirmation page. DSP stands for Demand-side platform which is another form of the online advertis as Google AdWords.
SiteScout (iFrame)SiteScout is a technology provider that builds powerful software solutions for demanding advertisers and agencies. SiteScout is at the forefront of the Real-Time Bidding (RTB) ecosystem, working with multiple agencies and advertisers to provide the technology and expertise needed to support RTB-powered advertising campaigns.
SiteScout ConversionSitescout builds ad serving technology such as our real-time bidding (RTB) platform that allows advertisers to buy traffic in ways that were never before possible. In addition, we have an enterprise-level ad server for advertisers that is unmatched in performance and power for premium (direct) media buying.
SteelHouse Conversion PixelSteelHouse is a data-driven marketing technology company bringing innovative advertising solutions to brands, agencies and direct marketers. By giving control over audience, creative, and channel – marketers can run superior retention and acquisition campaigns. SteelHouse reaches hundreds of millions of consumers a month, across hundreds of the world’s largest brands with its award-winning retargeting, retention, acquisition and creative technologies.
SteelHouse Smarter Pixel ConversionSteel House provides a behavioral commerce platform which gives marketers the ability to direct their shoppers' behavior both on and off their site via Retargeting, Real Time Offers and Acquisition Display Ads, in addition to providing a level of insight, control and reach over data and offers that they've never experienced before.
The Trade Desk (Img)The Trade Desk empowers buyers at the campaign level with the most expressive bid capabilities in market, full-funnel attribution, and detailed reporting that illustrates the consumer journey from initial impression to conversion. By maintaining a pure buy-side focus, The Trade Desk delivers on branding and performance for clients worldwide.
The Trade Desk (Script)With The Trade Desk, buyers can value each impression like traders value stocks, using first and third party data to decide which impression to buy and how much to pay. Customers can also use our APIs to build their own proprietary analytic insights or access our bidders to create specialty DSP offerings.
TradeDoublerTradedoubler is an international leader in performance-based digital marketing and technology. Founded in Sweden in 1999, Tradedoubler pioneered affiliate marketing in Europe and remains the most successful pan-European performance marketing company, combining strategic international insight with detailed in-country expertise.
Twitter Ads Checkout PixelTwitter Ad Conversions is a measurement and reporting tool which will help advertisers understand the full conversion impact of impressions and engagements from Promoted Tweets so they can properly optimize their campaigns.
Twitter Ads UniversalYou may see different kinds of ads on Twitter, such as: Promoted Tweets, Promoted Accounts, and Promoted Trends. We may show these ads to you when you are logged in or logged out of Twitter. They are clearly marked with a “promoted” icon. You can interact with most promoted content in much the same way as organic content. If you follow, like, or Retweet content on Twitter, including promoted content, your followers may see your name associated with that content.
ValueCommerceThis tag creates an image, and should be added to the thank you page of your site. Transaction data will be sent to ValueCommerce.
Ve InteractiveVe is a multi award-winning technology company offering a suite of apps across one platform, which help online businesses successfully reduce bounce rate, increase customer engagement and minimize website abandonment. Ve works across 18 languages and has 12 offices worldwide, working within 43 territories. The company supports over 4,000 domestic and multi-national online businesses and retailers in the delivery of real-time marketing communications at key points within their customers’ journeys. Tracking billions of transaction daily, Ve's comprehensive data set provides unparalleled insights into customer activity, while driving each app to deliver highly-targeted content to customers based on their purchasing activity and profile.
Ve Interactive (VeGenie)GENIE’s systems deliver precisely targeted adverts to prospective customers based on a range of behavioural, contextual and demographic data, ensuring maximum ROI for website owners.
WebtrekkWebtrekk has been delivering cutting-edge enterprise web analytics solutions since being founded in 2003. In addition to a best of breed raw data web analytics solution, Webtrekk offers consulting services in Web Analytics, Website Optimization and Search Engine Optimization.
XAXIS - Look a LikeXaxis is a global digital media platform that programmatically connects advertisers and publishers to audiences across all addressable channels. Xaxis combines proprietary technology, unique data assets and exclusive media relationships with the brightest team of audience analysts, data scientists and software engineers. Advertisers working with Xaxis achieve higher ROI from digital marketing campaigns. Publishers deliver relevant content and advertising to new and valuable audiences.
Yahoo! - Adwords ConversionYou can use Conversion Tracking to gain greater visibility into the number of times that people come to your website and become customers. Any one of your website pages can be used to track conversions. It just depends on what user action you want to track.
Yahoo Gemini (Dot Tags)Yahoo Gemini is the first unified ad marketplace for mobile search and native advertising and part of the Yahoo Analytics.
Yahoo! - Search Markting Pay Per Click AdvertisingYahoo! Search Marketing Solutions offers online advertising services via its network of web portals and search engines.
BlueLithium (Yahoo! Advertising)Welcome to Yahoo!, the world's most visited home page. Quickly find what you're searching for, get in touch with friends and stay in-the-know with the latest news and information.










Cleverbridge, Inc.(350 N Clark, Suite 700, Chicago, Illinois, 60654, USA)、Cleverbridge Financial Services GmbH(Gereonstr.43-65, 50670 Cologne, Germany)、Cleverbridge KK(Wakamatsu Bldg.7F, 3-3-6 Nihonbashi-Honcho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-0023 Japan)、およびCleverbridge Co., Ltd.(Level 4, Neihu New Century Building, 55 Zhouzi Street, Neihu District, Taipei, Taiwan)は、データ管理者の代理として、グローバルなカスタマー・サポート、不正防止、発注完遂、顧客管理、マーケティングおよびマーケティング・サービス、ならびにセールス、ビジネスおよびプラットフォーム開発の提供のため、データ処理を実行します。

Cleverbridgeでは、お客様の個人情報の適切な保護を保証するため、グローバルな情報管理を行ってまいりました。当該個人情報は、本ポリシーで記載の目的および開示にしたがい、グローバルに転送、アクセス、保存されることがあることについて、ご注意ください。Cleverbridge 加盟会社は、外三国への個人情報転送のためのEuropean Union Model Contractsに準じた、お客様の情報を処理することを可能とする個人情報の国際的な転送に関する契約を締結し、実行しています。



当該データ転送に関して、契約の実行または契約前の措置のためのデータ処理を許諾するため、第6条第1項 b に準じます。



Cleverbridgeはお客様にサイト、ストアおよび商品、関連するカスタマー サポートを提供するため、およびカスタマーとの通信、またサイトとストア運営を助けるため、Cleverbridgeを代行して、またはCleverbridgeと共に働く、第三者サービス プロバイダー、およびサプライヤーに対して、お客様の個人情報を提供する場合があります。弊社のサービスを実行するために第三者機関のサービスを使用する上で、弊社は個人データを欧州個人データ保護規則の定めに従い処理します。弊社のサービスをお客様にご提供する場合、サービス提供者のカテゴリーとしては、電子メールによる対話、お支払い手続きの処理、商品の発送、不正処理対策としての発注内容審査、カスタマーサービスのご提供または弊社へのサービスの履行、および/または適用法に準ずることなどを含みます。ただし、これらサービス提供者は、弊社が当該サイト、当該ストア、関連する実行処理、および商品をご提供する目的を除き、お客様の個人情報を独立して使用する権利を保持しません。第三者機関への転送は、注意事項ならびに選択事項、および弊社サービス提供する第三者および当該商品の供給者との合意について、本プライバシーポリシーによる条項の適用範囲にあります。






Cleverbridge加盟会社、供給会社、および第三者プロバイダーは、お客様のデータの処理を可能にするとともに、第三国への個人情報の転送に関して、European Union Model Contractsに準じ、個人情報の国際的な転送に関する合意を結び、履行していますので、ご注意ください。標準契約書の写しは、European Commissionで入手することができます。



  • 関係する法律に則り、または提出命令に応じるため、もしくは令状によるCleverbridgeに対する開示要求に応じるため;
  • 販売およびプライバシーポリシーの一般条項;または
  • 弊社の権利または資産を保護または防御するため、当該ストアおよび当該サイトの訪問および弊社顧客、供給会社、もしくは第三者機関;または
  • 特定の状況において、弊社が公的諸機関からの法的要請への返答として、国家保障もしくは法的実行の要請の達成を含む、個人情報開示を求められることがある場合。





Cleverbridgeのストアの注文ページへのアクセスはすべて、トランスポート レイヤーセキュリティ(TLS) 技術の使用を認められており、お客様が注文段階で入力する個人情報を暗号化します。これにより、内密のデータが第三者に傍受されるのを防ぎ、お客様の個人情報はこの安全な経路を通じて送信されます。このセキュリティレベルを保証するため、Cleverbridgeのシステムは、電子商取引の一般的な慣習に倣い、認証を使用しています。当該認証は信頼のおけるセキュリティプロバイダーにより発行されています。標準的ウェブブラウザはすべて当該技術をサポートしており、信頼のおけるプロバイダーからの認証は、自動的に受け入れます。ただし、Cleverbridgeを含むいかなる企業も、インターネット上でのデータ転送、または電子的保存の手法に関するセキュリティリスクを排除することはできません。セキュリティについて質問がございましたら、弊社のヘルプセンター経由でご連絡ください。


Cleverbridgeは PCI DSS(データ セキュリティ スタンダード)に完全に準拠しており、支払カード情報のセキュリティを向上させ、カスタマーに対し安全な電子商取引環境を提供しています。PCI DSSスタンダードは、カードを利用した支払処理における安全を保証するため、ネットワーク構造、ソフトウェア開発、セキュリティ管理、およびその他緊急時における事前対策に関する要求を策定しています。各年、認定審査機関(QSA)がceleverbridgeにおける技術面および組織的手法を審査し、厳密なPCI規定の遵守を保証しています。

このため、弊社はご注文確認の際、お客様のクレジットカード番号の末尾4桁のみを表示します。もちろん、ご注文処理の際、適切な支払処理機関に対しては、クレジットカード番号全てを送信します。PCI DSSの要求により、この送信はTLSを使用し、保護されます。



原則として、弊社はお客様のデータを上記記載の目的における必要性が消滅した場合、一時的保存が必須でなければ、即座に削除いたします。弊社はお客様のデータについて、German Commercial Codeおよびerman Tax Codeに準拠する他の項目とともに、法的証拠および保存の義務に基づいて保存します。当該保存年限は最大10年間です。また、弊社はお客様のデータを、弊社に対して主張される要求の存する期間、保持します。






